I took advantage of Lancome's deal of a free sample kit with any purchase. My mom's b-day was coming up, so I bought her some stuff she likes from the line. I thought the little eyeshadow palette was cute on the website. To be honest, I don't even know what the little bottles are exactly because my mom snatched those up really quick, leaving me with the lipstick,mascara, and shadows (the only stuff I really cared about anyway)
Here is a sample of what the colors look like on my skin:
Very light and shimmery. I do like the pink a lot. If I am not mistaken, I believe it is from the Pink Irreverence collection. It reminds me of Valentines day.
This is a picture of the lipstick that came with it in All Done Up. Its a mauve color. I am still debating how I feel about this color because I never wore a color like this before.I mean I could wear it but, its just not a color I am used to. Excuse my bare face.
Its a fun color. I know a lot of you ladies can rock this color like it was your job to, so if your looking for a bright mauve color, this is nice. Oh yeah staying power is excellent. I wore it to sleep by accident and I woke up and there were still a bit on.
Well now, I can't not post a picture of my all time favorite bumming around shirt that I am wearing right now!
Other than that it was a do-nothing weekend. Now that its February, I have been keeping my eyes peeled for letters from the graduate schools that I have applied to for speech pathology. Yeah no anxiety... I swear these letters are not something that will determine my future and my career or anything. Nope.
This week I would like to increase my lipstick collection-I am really feeling Mac's Photo which is a deep brown. Darker than I am used to but I need a color like this. I will also check out Revlon's new Matte Collection.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Lancome stuff
Posted by babycoconut at 6:36 PM 3 comments
Friday, January 30, 2009
Groundwork bites the dust
I have decided that I will no longer be using MAC's Painpot in Groundwork anymore. I bought it initially to be used as a primer for my eyeshadows, but it just washes out the color and makes it look dull. I got a bottle of UDPP and that really works well. Here is a picture:The top is with UDPP and the bottom swatch is with Groundwork. The purple is so much more vibrant with UDPP. Groundwork going to go to my makeup graveyard...second thought,I will put it on Makeupalley (glossyxlipz). I just have no other use for it.
Posted by babycoconut at 11:00 PM 0 comments
Inner Glow
I love the buffer brush I got from Coastal Scents! It made my bronzer go on so much easier. Look at me I am glowing!!Woot woot! Oh yeah I also got my items from Lancome last night. I will go over what I got in my next post.
Posted by babycoconut at 9:55 AM 1 comments
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Coastal Scents Brushes
Yay! So I came home yesterday and my brushes I ordered from Coastal Scents came. I bought them after watching Koren's video on them being inexpensive alternatives to MAC brushes.Ok the first one is the stippling brush (the handle is pink!!!!!) the middle one is a contour brush and the other is a buffing brush for my bronzer. I only tried the stippling brush so far and I really do like it a lot. It is bigger than my Flirt! cosmetic one.
Excuse this picture, I just got done using the Flirt brush. Now on the website it did mention that the Coastal Scents brushes will shed after washing initially, so I wasn't surprised when I saw some of the hairs come off as I rinsed it off. I must say that the brushes had this smell to it, like nail polish. After washing the scent went away on all but one of them, the buffing brush. I am assuming that this is because that brush is the denser one of the three.
I will continue to use the smaller stippling brush for hard to reach areas of my face such as the corners of my mouth and under my eyes. I think these brushes will last me a long timeToday I am expecting my package from Lancome to come with the samples!
Today I am wearing HIP in Saucy. I bought it last month.I only used those two colors and Stila's Kitten as a highlighter.
I know its kinda subtle, but I am going to work soon. My goal next month is to buy brighter colors for more vibrant,playful looks. Then I can really have some fun then!
Ok off to work!
Posted by babycoconut at 11:47 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My skin in a bottle
You know a common trend I see happening to many ladies is that they are being pleasantly surprised by drugstore brand cosmetics . The companies seem to be really stepping up their game.

Another thing that surprised me was the skunk brush from FLIRT! It costs about 8 bucks. I use it to stipple the foundation on my skin. My broke ass couldn't afford the 187, so this will do till after the recession.

Well take a look outside my window.

Posted by babycoconut at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 26, 2009
Winter Blahs
Ok so I have been feeling a bit down and I am sure its because of the gray boring weather. Its always cold and I wake up to darkness and come home to darkness. Talk about winter blahs...
Isn't this necklace cute? I bought it when I went shopping with a friend in Harvard square at a place named Zinnia. They have really affordable accessories there so you should stop by if your in the area or you can even order online. Tons of jewelry. http://www.zinniastores.com/
It only cost 9.99. I love the little unique charms on them. I got lots of compliments at work.
Speaking of winter blahs, my skin has been soo dry these few days. The air has just sucked the moisture out of my little face. I stopped by Lush and asked them for any recommendations. They pointed me to Crash Course in Skincare face mask. Its made of avocado and yogurt.

The last thing I bought was this cute little headband from Ulta for 10 bucks. It goes well with some of my business causal clothes (yeah I have some of those believe it or not haha)

Posted by babycoconut at 4:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Lancome Winter Treats Sample
Lancome is offering a sample kit AND free shipping with the promo code WINTERTREAT. The kit includes
Mascara Definicil in Black
Color Design Eye shadow quad
Absolute Premium Bx cream
Color Design Lipcolor in All done
Ok heading back to work now....=(
Posted by babycoconut at 6:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Mini Haul
Waterlining! Welcome me to the 21st century!! Talk about slow, I'm probably the last person out there to learn this cool technique, but damn did it make all the difference in the world! All this time I have been doing it wrong by not getting close enough to the eye, so I would end up looking like a panda. But thanks to Youtube videos such as this:
I see the light. It never occurred to me to slightly pull down the lower eyelid to get the best results.I was so proud! I was rocking it all day and my boyfriend loved it. Its made my eyes much more defined. I did it with a cheap black eyeliner from Ulta, buuuuut those videos got me eyeing those gel eyeliners from Makeup for Ever and Urban Decay's 24/7 in Zero. Next I will experiment with a dark brown to use for daytime.
Okie dokie and now I have to talk about my mini haul todayOk so look, I am broke, people. But I really wanted good quality brushes. I cant get by using my fingers for application anymore but I cant fork over 40 or 50 bucks for a MAC brush either. So after watching Koren's videos on his great finds at craft stores:
So I purchased a Lowe Cornell Round Mop in XL (big brush) and another one called a Maxine Mop(smaller one) at an A.C. Moore. Total ,they cost me 11 bucks and change(I got a coupon though for next time!)
According to Koren, the larger one I bought is equivilant to Mac's 129 Brush and the smaller the 239.
Can I just say how soft it feels on the face??!! After I bought it and washed it, all I did was play with it on my face without any product on it.
Sorry I didnt take a closer picture of the smaller brush. My camera crapped out on me. That one makes an excellet eyeshadow brush and have seen a few girls use it on thier makeup tutorials on youtube. My only gripe with these brushes is the handles are so freaking long (obviously). They won't fit in my makeup case so I have them laying around until I get a brush holder. But these definitley will serve me well until I am rich enough to fork the cash for a MAC brush!! Even then, I still will keep them around.
I also bought the Fix + after trying it out in the store. I really like it, but not too crazy about the pump. I notice it makes my look more dewy, so it will be great for summer.
Posted by babycoconut at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Covergirl Swiss Chocolate
So after hearing great reviews from Makeupalley, I decided to buy Covergirl's eyeshadow in Swiss Chocolate for bout 3 bux. It was a great buy. The shadow is a bronze color with specks of glitter in it but yet its subtle. I have been wearing it for three days to work and think its great. Its great for those who are just starting to wear makeup like me. Take a look:
I really like it and it will last me forever and a day even though I wear it all the time.Also the staying power is pretty impressive considering the price. I have oily lids and I wore this one day without any primer. It was still there that night.
This photo isn't too good but you can get an idea of what it looks on my eyelids.
Oh and here is a picture of the Sweet as Cocoa blush I bought from Mac yesterday on me!Sorry I look a little weird in this final picture. My camera was acting really stupid and I was getting frustrated.
So today I am wearing Covergirl's Lash Blast in Very Black, Star Lipstick Sephora Brand,Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner,Sweet as Cocoa Blush!
Posted by babycoconut at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, January 22, 2009
First Post
Ok girls. So today I went to the mall and tried to take advantage of the free makeup giveaway at certain stores due to a lawsuit. Went do Nordstroms and they were all cleaned out, but I did get some luck at the Macy's. I was able to get a full size jar of Clinique Moisture Surge, but that was about it. The other option was the Estee Lauder's Night Serum, but I just have this idea that Estee Lauder is for more mature women ( I guess its from seeing my mom using it. Anyway I don't need this moisturizer, so I will be putting it up as a swap item at Makeupalley.com(user name glossyxlipz) and hopefully exchange it for something better.
Now of course you know I was not about to leave the mall without stopping by the MAC store. I am just beginning my beauty collection so bear with me if I get all excited for buying something just now that you may have had years ago =) Its all so new to me!
I have been eyeing those Viva Glam lipsticks because most reds really look too dramatic on me for everyday use. I never was able to find one that I could wear to work or just out doing errands. But today I bought the Viva Glam VI and it is sooo pretty! Here is a picture:
Sorry it isn't clear.I am so all about Mac now! I tried another color there too that I might want to buy called Feisty.The other item I bought was Sweet as Cocoa which looks exactly what my skin looks like when its blushing. Its so natural, I love it.So now its time for me to speak about this other problem I have. I went to Trader Joes and bought this box of Strawberry Shortcake just to have something alittle sweet after dinner. Nothing wrong with that right? WrONG!!!! This this is so unbelievable delicious...and having no concept of self control... I ate the whole thing. I am so ashamed. I felt even worst when i found out it had 4g of saturated fat which is 20% of you daily intake for 1/5 of the cake...yeah so i basically ate my weeks worth of intake right there. Im going to die of a heart attack I know it. So yeah stay away from the Trader Joe's Strawberry Shortcake if you dont want this to happen to you!!!! Lethal!!
Lastly,I would just like to share a picture of Jackson NH that I took during the summer. After looking outside at the snow and ice, just looking at this picture made my day.Sigh..spring will come soon.
Posted by babycoconut at 1:16 PM 0 comments